Get Involved with Your Community

Join your neighbors and the City of Oakland to improve our neighborhood and build community.

When We Meet
Every third Wednesday of the month (except
December) at 6:30 p.m.
Come in-person: Charles C. Porter Golden Gate Recreation Center
Join via Zoom
Meeting ID: 824 7100 2733
Passcode: gg10x

Get in Touch
Join our Google Group to receive reminders about our monthly meetings and occasional emails with news about neighborhood happenings and updates from the City of Oakland. You can reach us by email at

How We Work
The Golden Gate Neighborhood Council is co-chaired by resident volunteers Karen Youst and Yuliya Rzad. It is part of the City of Oakland Neighborhood Councils (NCs) initiative. NCs are made up of Oakland residents working in partnership with the City of Oakland to address ongoing problems in their neighborhoods. 

Each NC works with an Oakland police officer called a Community Resource Officer (CRO) and a Neighborhood Services Coordinator, a city staffer who helps coordinate engagement with different departments in the City of Oakland. We meet with both of them monthly to discuss our concerns and prioritize the issues our CRO will address before the next meeting.

San Pablo Ave Corridor Project
The Golden Gate Neighborhood Council is co-chaired by resident volunteers Karen Youst and Yuliya Rzad. It is part of the City of Oakland Neighborhood Councils (NCs) initiative. NCs are made up of Oakland residents working in partnership with the City of Oakland to address ongoing problems in their neighborhoods.