GGCA’s Food Scrap Recycling Program
Simple steps to convert more food scraps to compost rather than landfill
At our last GGCA meeting, StopWaste Outreach Coordinator Tommy Fenster gave a lively and entertaining presentation about food scrap recycling. The presentation is part of GGCA’s 2017-018 partnership with StopWaste to help Alameda County residents waste less, recycle more and use water, energy and other resources efficiently.
Even the most seasoned gardeners and recyclers in the audience were amazed at how many more simple steps they can take to support food sustainability. Our green bins, for example, are not just for garden trimmings. We can also dispose of food waste (including meat) and many types of food-soiled materials in them.
If you couldn’t make it to the presentation, check out some of these super short videos.
Food Scrap Recycling at Home shows how to easily collect food scraps and food-soiled paper at home and keep them out of the landfill. Our efforts will create compost that supports water-conserving soil for California farms and gardens.
From Table to Farm: The Story of Food Scraps shows what happens after you put your food scraps and food-soiled paper in your green bin. Learn where they go and how they become essential compost, helping to create water-conserving soil for growing local crops.
Food Scraps to Compost: Enriching Our Community explains how local compost fuels urban farms in Alameda County, engages community members who need it most, enriches the community by providing fresh produce, and helps the environment and California thrive.
Making a Newspaper Kitchen Pail Liner shows how to make a simple liner for your kitchen green pail out of newspaper.